Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Ensuring Baby Gear Safety: Are Your Items Secure?

    Ensuring Baby Gear Safety: Are Your Items Secure?

    The rocking chair is a timeless piece of baby equipment, as are the cradle, swings and cradles. These resemble the movement the baby felt in the womb, and they replicate the comforting feeling of being held in an easy fluid flow. Other baby seats like highchairs are also necessary at some point. How can we…

  • Irresistible Things for Babies: What to Offer Them Instead for Play

    Irresistible Things for Babies: What to Offer Them Instead for Play

    Entertaining babies and toddlers requires much creativity. Children tend to move from plaything to plaything quickly, forcing us to constantly come up with fresh plans. As parents, it can be exhausting allowing our kids to play with whatever comes their way – I know because that was me before becoming a pediatrician! When my boys…

  • The Benefits of Probiotics for Babies: What You Need to Know

    The Benefits of Probiotics for Babies: What You Need to Know

    You’ve likely noticed probiotics in the baby food aisle. Probiotics are good bacteria that can have health benefits. They can reduce colic, eczema and other symptoms in our children, but do they make them healthier? This is the million-dollar research question. Different strains of Probiotics have different functions. Doctors suggest, for instance, that the two…

  • The Overlooked Baby Milestones App: A Hidden Gem

    The Overlooked Baby Milestones App: A Hidden Gem

    On the day two pink lines appeared before me, I felt my world stop moving forward. An otherwise ordinary Tuesday became suddenly enveloped by waves of joy, fear, and family phone calls from far and wide. My brain buzzed with anticipation for when my husband came home after working a 14-hour shift; eventually he arrived…

  • Staying Cool and Informed: A Guide for Moms on Baby Fevers

    Staying Cool and Informed: A Guide for Moms on Baby Fevers

    Kinsa is the sponsor of this article. Use the promo code MOTHERLY15 to get 15% off Kinsa products. In this ArticleVaccinesTeethingInfectionWhat can I do for my baby?Motherly’s pediatricians offer the following advice when your child is suffering from fever:The AAP has developed guidelines for fever in infants and toddlers aged 3-24 months.It’s not pleasant to…

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