Are you ready to play? Playtime is more fun and exciting for your busy bee now that they are eager to interact with you. Your 7-month old baby is now working to try even more foods and master gross motor skills. Your baby is now 7 months old and working on trying new foods, mastering gross motor skills (crawling and walking prep!) What else should you know about the health and development of your baby this month?
Related: 7-month old baby milestones
Nutrition for 7-month old babies
How is solids progressing? There is a period of time between now and the 18-month mark when you can introduce new textures and tastes to your child. You can now introduce new foods to your child, such as vegetables, fruits, grains, and proteins. Be creative and try different combinations. Watch out for salt and sugar (more below) and stay away from any food that is too small or round.
You can also start to spread out the breast milk and formula feeds as your baby’s 7-month old feeding schedule begins to revolve more around family meals. However, milk should remain your baby’s main source of calories and nutrition.
The AAP and La Leche League recommend feeding 7-month olds the following schedule and amounts:
Solids: Offerned 2 times daily or at mealtimes with the family
Breast milk: 8 ounces per 4 to 5 hours
Formula: 6-8 ounces every five to six hours
Serving sizes are recommended for solids to a 7-month old.
Mix 3 to 5 tablespoons of infant cereal (single-grain) with breast milk or formula.
Fruits: 2 to3 tablespoons
Vegetables : 2 to 3 tablespoons
When you shred meat, egg, yogurt, and plant-based protein, such as lentils, use 2 to 3 tablespoons.
Learn more about the 7-month-old feeding schedule and amounts
Baby food for 7-month olds
You can now get more creative with your foodie’s growing palate.
Here are some ideas to help you get started:
Oatmeal with breast milk or formula
Avocado and banana or mango mashed
Beets puréed with blueberries
Kale pureed topped with pears
Pureed butternut squash with kale
Zucchini puree with mango
Apples and carrots pureed
Cucumber pureed kale with apple
Beef puree with broccoli
Red bell pepper pureed chickpeas
This is a one-stop shop for everything baby food. In only 15 minutes, you can transform fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, or fish into any type of food for babies or toddlers. The machine can be operated with just one hand, which is a huge bonus for moms!
It has a small footprint, so you won’t have to worry about it taking up valuable counter space. The bowl can hold 4.7 cups liquid or food. This makes it easy to prepare several baths at the same time. With a variety of colors and styles, you can create baby-friendly culinary masterpieces quickly.
Here are 5 tips for making brain-boosting, safe baby food at home
Weight of 7-month old baby
The World Health Organization’s (WHO) charts for weight and height are recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The WHO growth chart for babies aged 0-2 years is based on the standard of a breastfed infant. The WHO growth charts, according to the organization reflect the growth patterns of children who have been exclusively breastfed for atleast 4 months and are still breastfeeding 12 months. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that mothers and babies continue to breastfeed at least for two years.
How much weight does an average 7-month old baby weigh?
The growth is slower than the first six month of your baby’s life. However, they are still gaining weight every month. A baby boy’s weight can range from 14 to 22 pounds at 7 months. The weight range for a baby is between 13 and 21 pounds. Below are the averages.
A 7-month old baby boy who is in the 50th per centile weighs 18.5 pounds, 5 ounces (8.1 kilograms).
A 7-month old baby girl who is in the 50th per centile weighs 16.4 pounds, 14.2 ounces (7.6 kg).
What factors affect a baby’s weight at 7 months?
The amount of milk your baby is getting, the sex they are assigned to and their level of activity can all affect their weight.
At birth, male babies gain weight more quickly than females.
Daily milk intake is important for your baby’s weight. At 7 months, many babies are still nursing or drinking formula four to six times a day.
Activity level: This month, your baby is gaining weight on their legs in preparation for walking and crawling. The baby’s level of activity may affect their weight as it helps to build strong bones and muscles.
Related: Activities for 7-month olds: Promoting baby’s growth
Babys 7 months old are measured by their length
You can expect to see your baby grow slower than previous months but still gain another half inch to 3/4 inch (1 or 2 centimeters).
How old is the average 7 month-old baby?
A 7-month old baby boy in 50th percentile measures 27 1/4 inches (67.6cm) long.
A 7-month old baby girl who is in the 50th per centile measures 26 1/2 inches (65.7 cm).
What factors affect the length of a baby aged 7 months?
Your baby’s development is affected by many factors, from physical activity, nutrition, and sleep, to their overall health. When it comes to height the main factor is genetics. Children tend to be taller than their parents.
Growth charts and percentiles
Growth charts allow you to compare your baby’s growth over time and to see how it compares to other babies of the same age.
Your child’s pediatrician plots their height, weight and head circumference every time they check them since birth (see examples below).
How do you read a chart of growth? Let’s say, for example, that your baby’s birth weight is at the 50th percentile. This means that 50% babies of the age and gender are heavier, while 50% are lighter. Growth percentiles can be used to monitor your baby’s progress, but they are only one of many metrics. All babies develop at their own rate. You can trust that your baby will be healthy, whether they are in the 10th or 90th percentile.
Weight-for-length charts for girls from birth to 24 months. Girls birth to 24 months, weight-for-length.WHO Growth Charts, courtesy of CDC. Weight-for-length for girls birth to 24 month.
Weight-for-length charts for boys from birth to 24 months, courtesy of CDC. Boys birth to 24 months, weight-for-length.WHO Growth Charts, courtesy of CDC. Weight-for-length for boys from birth to 24 month.
Growth spurts
Your baby’s growth spurts likely occurred in the first six months of their life. You may have noticed them at times when your child was fussier or more hungry. (Cluster feeding is not a joke!) Some growth spurts can happen quickly, in just 2 or 3 days.
You may not notice another growth spurt for a few months, and then again at around nine months.
When should I be concerned about my baby’s size?
Your baby’s doctor would have plotted his or her growth on the same chart that they’ve been using since birth. The doctor will check to see if your child’s growth is steady and sustained over time. They’ll tell you if they are worried about the growth of your child.
If you want to avoid this, focus on making sure that your baby has regular wet/dirty diapers, eats and drinks normally, and meets or works towards their 7-month milestones. You should discuss any concerns you may have about your child’s development with their doctor.
Sleeping 7-month old baby
The nap schedule and the nighttime sleep schedule still have a lot of importance, even though your baby is more alert and active during the day. Baby’s aged 7 months should sleep between 12-16 hours per day, with at least 10 hours each night and three naps throughout the day. You should address the underlying causes of a baby’s lack of sleep. Sleep is essential for brain development.
If your child hasn’t done so yet, you may start to notice them sleeping through the night. Rachel Mitchell, sleep consultant and founder at My Sweet Sleeper, says that your child should not need a night feeding if they get enough nutrition during the day. If your baby is still waking up at night, allow them to soothe themselves or use other soothing techniques.
At this age, babies are more likely to start standing up in their cribs. If your baby starts to stand, make sure that the mattress of the crib is at the lowest setting.
How a baby sleeps at 7 months.
You may find that your baby is taking three naps each day
Your baby might not need to eat in the night
Your baby can be awake from 2 to 2.75 hour periods.
Learn more about how much sleep a baby needs at 7 months.
Diapering for a 7-month old
As your child tries solid food, you may notice some changes in diapers. From color to texture and smell, there are many things that can change. Your baby’s poop is more likely to be formed if you add more fiber and fat. If it is pellet-like, or very hard, this could indicate constipation. You can still expect to have 5-8 wet diapers a day and one or two bowel movements per day.
A day or two is usually not a cause for concern. However, if you are concerned about the frequency of their stools, then a quick visit to your pediatrician could prevent constipation.
How to care for a seven-month-old
You can always call your pediatrician if you need to ask any questions. Here’s some information about baths for your baby and how to care for him.
Once your child can sit up without assistance (but is still supported in the bath), bathtime can be more of a playtime. They can use their hands to explore water and other sensory experiences. To add to the fun, waterproof books and bath toys can be used. A gentle baby soap can be used to wash your baby. The AAP suggests that you limit bath time to 10 to 15 mins in order to avoid drying the sensitive skin of your baby.
Safety car seats
It’s time to inspect your child’s car seat. The car seat should be rear-facing until the child reaches the maximum height and weight allowed by the manufacturer. This is usually around age 2. Rear-facing is safe for children even after age 3 – many families switch to forward facing too early. But rear-facing is still the best option.
Check the manual of the car seat and make sure you are in compliance with the weight and height limits. Also, check the limits for the LATCH system. You can choose a convertible seat to easily convert to a forward-facing position once your child is a toddler. Some big-box retailers offer trade-in car seats, which can be used to get a discount when purchasing a brand new seat.
It may be time to rethread your child’s car seat straps. They should begin at or just below their shoulders.
Related: A Parent’s Guide to Car Seat Safety: Tips, Rules & Product Picks
Sun protection
Baby-safe sunscreen can be worn once the baby has reached 6 months. Before 6 months of age, babies are more likely to develop a rash from sunscreen. Use a cream-based sunscreen instead of aerosol sprays that are difficult to control. For young children, dermatologists often recommend formulas with an SPF at least 30, based on mineral or physical ingredients. Use a beauty blend sponge to make application fun for your child! ).
Being smart with sun exposure is important. Baby’s skin is delicate and prone to sunburns. It is therefore best to keep them out of direct sunlight.
Keep your baby safe from the sun
Keep your baby out of direct sunlight between 10 am and 2 pm, when the sun is strongest.
If you must be outdoors during peak hours of sun, find shade.
Cover your baby with a lightweight hat and clothing that has UV protection (we prefer options that are built-in).
Apply baby-safe sunscreen every two hours
Breast milk or formula can help to keep your baby hydrated.
This mineral-based formula contains zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, and Vitamin C to boost the skin. The formula is completely fragrance-free and safe for sensitive skin. It also blends seamlessly.
MDSolarSciences has a strong commitment to sustainability, with 100% vegan formulas and recyclable packaging.
Motherly’s note on self-care when caring for a seven-month-old
As a result, your mini may seem to be more active this month. Set up an area where they can safely explore their new skills, whether it’s rolling over or sitting up. You’re probably getting better at anticipating and responding to your child’s needs, but can you keep up with the demands of your own life? Reach out to others for help if you are barely getting through the day. You can ask a friend or family member to watch your child while you rest, or do something for yourself. If you are having trouble finding joy in the things you once loved, you may need more mental support. Help is available for postpartum depression, which can occur anytime within the first year of childbirth.