A Comprehensive Guide to the Health and Growth of 8-Month-Old Babies

It’s not easy to keep an 8-month old entertained for the entire day. It’s good for the mini to be exploring, trying and tasting everything. But it can be a bit stressful for you. You can certainly appreciate their enthusiasm but the days of putting them in a secure place and expecting them to remain there are gone. We also know that those adorable baby giggles can help to ease any frustration. What else should you know about the health and development of your baby this month?

Baby milestones for 8-month olds

Nutrition for 8-month old babies
Does your hungry baby refuse certain foods? Keep going. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics it can take up to 10 or 15 exposures before a baby is willing to try a new food. From an early age, it is important to stick with whole foods like fruits, grains, legumes, vegetables, and eggs.

Add pureed fruit to a mesh strainer or teether if your baby is teething. It can be a delicious and soothing way to soothe them.

The AAP and La Leche League recommend the following feeding schedule and amounts for 8-month olds:

Solids: Offerned 2 times daily or at mealtimes with the family
Breast milk: 8 ounces per 4 to 5 hours
Formula: 7 to eight ounces every five to six hours
Serving sizes are recommended for an 8-month old when offering solids.

Mix 5 to 8 teaspoons of infant cereal (single-grain) with breast milk or formula.
Fruits: 1-2 tablespoons
Vegetables : 2 to 3 tablespoons
Eggs, soft-cooked meats and plant-based protein, such as lentils, can be eaten in small quantities.
Starches: 1/4 to half cup of simple carbohydrates, such as pasta or mashed potatoes.
Learn more about 8-month-old feeding schedule and amounts

Does your baby need vitamins?
You may not have needed to give your baby vitamin D drops during the first six months of their life. Even though your baby has started solids and is older than 6 months, they still need vitamin D. In some cases, iron and omega-3 fats may be beneficial. What you need to know Always consult your pediatrician before giving any supplements to your baby.

Vitamin D
All formulas must contain enough vitamin D for your baby to meet his or her needs. You won’t have to supplement as long as your baby drinks at least 32 ounces per day of formula. Vitamin D is not easily transferred from breast milk to the baby, nor is it readily available in most foods. If your baby is exclusively breastfed, or is fed some breastmilk with a combination of formula, you will need to supplement.

As your child’s intake of solid foods increases, you should increase their iron-rich food consumption. This includes broccoli, leafy vegetables, and beef. AAP recommends that breastfed babies take oral iron supplements to reduce the risk of deficiency before introducing iron-containing foods. Check the labels of formula-fed infants to see if they need iron supplements. Check with your doctor if you are worried that your baby may not be getting enough iron. Your doctor should test your baby’s levels of iron at 12 months.

DHA is not a mandatory supplement, like vitamin D. However, it can help prevent allergies and eczema, and support brain development in infants. Some formulas contain it, and some of it passes through breast milk. However, your baby may not receive enough to be therapeutic unless you consume fatty seafood regularly. Consider taking a DHA supplement to boost the amount in your breastmilk. Or, you can use a vitamin D-DHA combination drop for your baby.

Do I need to give my baby vitamins?

Baby weight at 8 months old
The World Health Organization’s (WHO) charts for weight and height are recommended for babies under 2 years old.

The WHO growth chart for babies aged 0-2 years is based on the standard of a breastfed infant. The WHO growth charts are based on the standard for a predominantly breastfed infant. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that mothers and babies continue to breastfeed at least for two years.

How much weight does an 8-month old baby weigh on average?
The rate of weight gain should be similar to the first six months, but it has slowed significantly.


A baby boy 8 months old in the 50th per centile weighs 19.6 pounds (8.6 kg).
A baby girl 8 months old in the 50th per centile weighs 17.7 pounds (7.9 kilograms).
What are the factors that affect a baby’s weight at 8 months?
The weight of your baby may depend on how much it eats, its assigned sex, and the level of activity.

At birth, male babies gain weight and are slightly heavier than female babies.

The amount of milk your baby consumes at each feeding is a factor in their weight. At 8 months, many babies are still nursing or drinking formula four to six times a day.

Activity level: Your baby is preparing to walk by gaining more weight on their legs. The baby’s overall weight may be affected by their activity level, since physical activity builds strong muscles and bone.

Related: Activities for an 8-month old: Promoting baby’s growth

Baby length 8 months old
You can expect to see your baby grow slower than previous months but still gain another half inch to a 3/4 inch (1 to two centimeters).

How old is the average 8 month-old baby?

A baby boy 8 months old in the 50th centile measures 27 3/4 inches (70.6 cm).
A baby girl 8 months old in the 50th per centile measures 27 inches (68.7cm).
What are the factors that affect the length of an 8-month old baby?
Height and length can be affected by several factors including sleep, overall health, and nutrition, both during and after pregnancy. The primary factor is genetics. Children tend to be taller than their parents.

When will my child start walking? Experts say there are many factors that can influence a baby’s ability to walk.

Growth charts and percentiles
Ask the pediatrician to show you your child’s growth chart at their next well-check. This will happen after 9 months. Your child’s pediatrician will carefully plot their weight, height and head circumference onto a growth chart at each visit. This allows you to compare your baby’s progress with other babies of the same age.

The two most important factors to consider when reading a growth chart are the percentiles, and the growth curve. Let’s say, for example, that your baby’s birth weight falls in the 40th centile. This means that 60% babies of the exact same age and gender weigh more and 40% babies weigh less.

Try not to compare numbers. The growth percentile is just one way to measure your baby’s progress. All babies develop at their own rate. You can trust that your baby will be healthy, whether it’s in the 10th or 90th percentile. It’s important to know if your baby has been in the same percentile or if he or she has significantly increased or decreased. Most of the time, doctors are looking for a steady growth.

Weight-for-length charts for boys from birth to 24 months, courtesy of CDC. Boys birth to 24 months, weight-for-length.WHO Growth Charts, courtesy of CDC. Weight-for-length for boys from birth to 24 month.
Weight-for-length charts for girls from birth to 24 months. Girls birth to 24 months, weight-for-length.WHO Growth Charts, courtesy of CDC. Weight-for-length for girls birth to 24 month.
Growth spurts
You may have seen your mini-me grow a lot in the first six months, but growth will slow down between 6-12 months. This means that you won’t see another big growth spurt for a few months. Then again, around their 1st birthday. Enjoy the fact that your mini me may not have to grow into a new onesie or diaper for a while. Here are some signs you can look out for to know when it is time.

How to know when to increase diaper size
The diaper of your baby is leaving red marks on their skin
The diaper does not cover the entire bottom
The diaper leaks more than normal or is not able contain the contents
Two fingers cannot be comfortably inserted under the diaper waistband
You can donate unused diapers to a diaper-bank, or offer them to friends with children of the same age. If you bought them, see if they will accept unopened or unused boxes or diapers.

When should I be concerned about my baby’s size?
The pediatrician will check your baby at each well-check to ensure that he or she is growing steadily and consistently over time. They’ll tell you if they are concerned about the growth curve of your child.

If you want to avoid this, focus on making sure that your baby is eating, drinking, and using diapers regularly. This should be done on a regular schedule. Also, make sure they are meeting their developmental milestones of 8 months. You should discuss any concerns you may have about your child’s development with their pediatrician.

Sleeping 8-month old baby
It’s hard to tell you but another sleep progression is coming. The 8-month sleep regression/progression is timed with a big developmental leap, and might signify some interrupted sleep for you and your little love. Rachel Mitchell, certified sleep consultant, and founder of My Sweet Sleeper, notes that teething and increased mobility may be to blame. Take heart, however. Sleep progressions mean that your child is on the way to becoming a better sleeper.

You can help your baby through the sleep progression by maintaining the routines and sleep cues you’ve already established. Avoid making sudden changes. Mitchell says to “try to be as consistent as you can and avoid making any major changes at this time.”

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, at 8 months of age your baby should sleep between 12-16 hours per day.

How to sleep a baby at 8 months.

You may find that your baby takes 2 naps per day, and one shorter late afternoon nap.
Your baby might not need to eat in the night anymore
Your baby can be awake from 2 to 2.75 hour periods.
Even if the last nap is shorter, your baby should still aim for three naps per day. Mitchell recommends that you wait until your child is between nine and ten months old to stop the third nap.

Learn more about how much sleep an 8-month old baby needs.

Diapering a 8-month old
You’re likely getting a better idea of what your baby’s diapers should look like now that he’s been eating solids around two months. The poop of your baby should still be a bit pastey but well-formed.

Constipation can be indicated by a solid stool or a pellet-like stool. Just to be sure, check with your pediatrician. Note any unusual colors, such as white, black, or red. Brown to yellow to even green can be considered normal. You can still expect 5 to 8 diapers soaked per day and one or two bowel movements per day.

Care for an 8-month old baby
Your child’s next check-up with the pediatrician will not be until nine months. However, if you still have questions, your doctor is always available to answer them. Here’s some information about baths for your baby.

When your child is confident enough to sit up on their own, which could happen in this month, you can let them take baths in a regular tub, rather than the baby tub. Fill the tub only with an inch or so of water and place baby feet first in the bath. This will ensure that your child can sit up without assistance. You can use a suction mat or a towel to make the surface of the tub less slippery before you fill it with water.

As you would when your child was in a tub, be sure to supervise them constantly while they are bathing. If you have to leave the bathroom, wrap your baby in a towel.

14 Bath Safety Tips for Kids of All Ages

Bumps and bruises
Your baby has mastered so many new skills! As they become more adventurous, bumps and bruises will occur. The AAP says that these small injuries are almost impossible to prevent, no matter how carefully you babyproof. Be frank about the mishaps. Send her off with a hug or a word of encouragement. The organization says that she won’t be upset if you aren’t.

Keep an ice pack for kids and arnica gel handy to reduce pain and bruises. You can contact your child’s doctor if you are concerned about a head injury.

What if my child is too sick to go to daycare?
It’s not uncommon for children to have eight or more colds before they reach the age of two. If your child has just started daycare, you may feel like a new illness is coming home every week. How can you tell whether your child is healthy enough to go to daycare or if they should stay home with you? If you’re not sure, some daycares and childcare providers have flow charts or guidelines they ask parents to follow.

Keep your baby at home when you can
AAP advises that you keep your child at home if he or she is experiencing any of the following symptoms:

Fever over 101oF
Vomiting twice or more in the last 24 hours
Diarrhea within the last 24 hours, not due to a diet change
Pain in the abdomen lasting more than two hours
Mouth sores caused by drooling
Weeping skin sores which cannot be covered by a waterproof bandage
Rash with fever
If your baby exhibits any of these symptoms, you should always seek advice from your child’s doctor.

Experts say that although febrile seizures are frightening, they usually do not cause alarm.

Motherly’s note on how to take care of yourself while caring for a 8-month old
Remember that motherhood can both fill and drain your cup. The constant pull of bliss and exhaustion can be difficult to reconcile on a day-to-day basis. Ask for help if you are struggling to get through the day. There are people who care about you. If you feel like you aren’t the same person you once were, or if you don’t recognize yourself anymore, you may want to seek mental health help. There are resources available for postpartum depression, which can occur anytime within the first year of childbirth.



