Development-Boosting Activities for a 9-Month-Old Baby

Now, after months of 3 a.m. wakeups and unpredictable sleeping patterns, your 9-month-old probably takes regular naps and stays asleep through the night – while you remain exhausted! Unfortunately, being responsible for another person leaves little or no time to yourself; make an effort to prioritize yourself even if that means just finding brief moments to focus on you when watching television; the better feeling your own skin gives, the stronger a mother you will become!

As well as all this fun activity, your baby may also begin making sounds for objects around her or him. According to Tovah Klein, PhD, director of Barnard College Center for Toddler Development and author of “How Toddlers Thrive”, all babies talk at different rates; at minimum yours should at least make numerous noises (da-ba-ma-mama).

Here’s what else awaits this month.

Related Topic: 9-month baby milestones

Sensory activities for 9-month-old babies.

  1. Hide and Seek
    As your 9-month-old develops their sense of object permanence, they’ll discover things still exist even when out of view – making games like peekaboo and hide-and-seek extremely engaging! Try hiding something like their lovie or favorite toy under blanket and watch their reaction when the big reveal! After that it’s their turn to hide something!
  2. Flour Play
    For safe-yet-messy fun, place baby on a clean surface such as the floor with some baking sheet and measuring cups filled with flour. Allow him or her to explore its texture as you pour each measuring cupful from one into another cupful of flour.
  3. Nature Treasure Hunt
    Encourage your children’s love of nature by heading outdoors together on an exciting treasure hunt to locate bumpy pinecones, fluffy dandelions and smooth stones as treasures to collect.

Read: How much sleep do 9-month-old babies require?

Developmental activities designed for 9-month old infants.

  1. Naming that Object
    To help foster your baby’s language development, explain what you are doing, point to objects and name them as they move about or get excited or point towards something – be sure to add details so they know you understand their gestures; “Yes, that’s a bird!” They’ll appreciate hearing words put to their gestures and that someone understood them! Plus, more direct language exposure means better speaking skills as your little one develops further!
  2. Beach Ball Volley Ball
    To develop their gross motor skills, roll an inflatable beach ball across the floor towards them and encourage them to “catch” and then return it. This activity can enhance hand-eye coordination as well as understanding taking turns between teammates.
  3. Coffee Date
    Engage your baby during his or her morning milk, by having a conversation. Your infant may now understand simple commands such as, “Where’s Your Bottle?,” as well as being able to point and reach for items they desire. They likely know many more words than can currently express, yet engaging them can encourage those words to surface more fully!

Related Topic: 9-month-old Baby Feeding Tips (& Expert Advice ).

Keep Your 9-Month Old Busy This Month
Kick start September right and look forward to many happy moments this month by using these week-by-week suggestions from child development psychologist Dr. Holly Ruhl!

Week One: Fine Motor Skills
Your tot is currently developing his or her pincer grasp, setting them on their way toward independent feeding, dressing and writing in future years. Exercise their forefinger and thumb with brainteasers using them – perhaps placing some Cheerios into narrow cups so little ones can reach them or introduce colorful knob puzzles or pipe cleaners into empty 2-liter bottles are great ways to develop fine motor skills!

Week Two: People Watching
Babies are making inferences about social interactions. Find an opportunity for people-watching with your toddler; point out children and babies; note different relationships (family/friend), observe social behaviors like laughing and talking – now that your little one can understand English well enough to follow your gaze, this could make an ideal date!

Week 3: Anatomy Lesson Your baby now recognizes many objects. Introduce facial features and body parts. Point out belly buttons for your little one to touch as well as buttons on their noses; play “The Hokey Pokey” to teach arms and legs, blow raspberries on baby during diaper changes to teach hands/arms connection or sing songs like “Head, Shoulders Knees & Toes” as musical education tools; each week there should be something new!

Week 4: Mini Artist When it comes to providing new sensory experiences for our littlest ones, developing their fine motor skills, and encouraging those priceless giggles – getting messy is one way of doing that! Let your petite artist explore edible paint made from blended fruits and water or engage them in clean-up tasks – you might just be amazed how quickly this talented little person becomes independent at tidying their mess independently!



